Thursday, July 22, 2010

three thought thursday: episode 29

1. This post will more than likely have very few capital letters in it. or symbols that require the shift key. why? because my adorable son, rudy, managed to permanently rip off one of the shift keys and permanently disable the other to the point where you have to hold it down forcefully in order to make it work. who has time for 'forcefully' when trying to type fast/ ....yep, that slash is a question mark without the shift key. normally i attempt to be pretty diligent about keeping the laptop on a table that's out of his reach. actually, he can reach it, but he's unable to lift it and therefore can't open the top. but the other day after nap time, i was in the boys' room helping kolbe put his shoes back on while reagan toddled out to the family room. apparently i wasn't on my a-game and managed to leave the laptop sitting wide open on the couch. kolbe and i walked out to find him going to town on the laptop like an everyday news journalist. you would have thought he was frantically trying to beat a five o'clock deadline for his weekly column. i'm not sure what was so attractive about the shift keys. maybe they were weak of character in their making. 9hahaha9...yep. parentheses. oh well. my brother dave tells me you can get replacement keyboards for this pitiful dell online for a mere 410. that's ten dollars. the 4 is a dollar sign.


2. we got to see my sweet little nephew, jackson twice in the past week. and of course his lovely mama, casey, too. 9isn't it sad how once the kids come along the parents are somehow forgotten///9 casey and jackson came to levelland from boise to stay with her parents while mike was tdy in pensacola. we went out to their house on friday night for a yummy lasagna dinner and then again yesterday for a lunch consisting of brisket, beans, potato salad, homemade bread, and a scrumptious dessert. did i mention that casey's mom, miss lynette is probably the best cook ever? hey1 the shift key worked on that question mark. anyway, baby jackson is just super sweet. and it's almost spooky how much he looks like his father. it's like an infant version of mike. and cuddling him just made me realize even more how much my babies are not babies any more. not even rudy. he's totally turning in to a real boy. but in my mind he's still a baby. always will be. kolbe too. but goodness, there's still nothin' better than cuddling an infant.

3. on the rough side of our second visit to levelland, we had quite the meltdown yesterday afternoon due to the off timing of our regularly scheduled naps. i like to think that the boys are pretty flexible. and they are. gone are the days where we had to say no to attending events or gatherings that didn't fit into their typical routine. but sometimes things just don't go as smoothly as how i hope they will. when my mom, who is in town to take care of my other nephew, john, told me we'd be going out there for lunch at noon, i quickly sketched a game-plan in my mind. kolbe can manage to put off the nap a few hours...rudy will fall asleep on the ride out to levelland...that cat-nap will tide him over a few hours...they'll both fall asleep on the way home from levelland and can finish their naps at home...things went exactly according to plan. rudy napped on the way out there and the boys were both really well-behaved. they had a great time and no fits all the way up to the point of getting into the car. and even the ride home part went as planned. but the ride home part didn't even start until 3pm. so inevitably, kolbe's nap lasted from 3 to 4:30. a far cry from 12 to 1:30. normally at 3pm he has been awake from his hour and half long nap for ....well, an hour and a half. so when he woke at 4:30, which would normally be about 30 minutes before his typical dinner time, he was all kinds of out of sorts. crying, fussing, disoriented. wouldn't let anyone touch him except for me. refused any form of typical comfort. snack. drink. cuddles. he just was not happy at all. which just went to show me that despite the fact that he's growing up faster than i can keep track of, he is still a child. and man, do they ever thrive on a schedule! a routine! something that is normal to them. 'cause when things aren't normal, there's no telling what's going to happen but there's a good chance it won't exactly be enjoyable for either kiddo or caregiver.

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