Monday, July 12, 2010

Kolbe Kwotes: 2nd Edition

Just thought I'd pop in and share a few "conversations" in case you were interested in eavesdropping on our little Kolbe. He is such a hoot! And oh, so smart!

Most often I hear Kolbe repeating things I say; however, lately he's been more prone to repeat things that Mark says frequently. One of these sayings happens to be "Dang girl!" It comes about it expressions such as "Dang girl! Why did you make all these cookies!?!" or "Dang girl! You got all that done today!?!" So the other day Kolbe was trying to tell me something in his special little Kolbe language....
Kolbe: Where's me's tugol go?
Me: What?
Kolbe: Me's tugol.
Me: Say it again???
Me: Kolb, I can't tell what you're saying!
Kolbe: Dang, gul! I said. Me's. TUUUUUGOL!!!!
Me: You're turtle?
Kolbe: Yeah! Me's tugol!!
Me: Oh. So-rry.

A while back we were traipsing through Walmart picking up a few odds and ends. Reagan was in the cart and Kolbe was walking along behind me.
Me: Come on Kolbs. Keep up with Mama.
Kolbe: Me's wants to walk s-yow.
Me: Well Kolbe, people need to get by us. Do you want me to carry you?
Kolbe: Yes. You carry me.
Me: (after picking Kolbe up) Good grief, Kolbs! When did you get so big!?!
Kolbe: Monday.
Me: Oh really! Monday?
Kolbe: Yes. Monday. Me's gets big on Mondays.
Alrighty then.

Kolbe has become quite the disciplinarian for Reagan. Unfortunately. I often tell him he's not the boss, but he's determined to be a typical first-born....
Reagan: Waaaaahhhhhhh!!!! Eeeeeeeee!!!! Uuuuhhhhhhhh!!!!
Kolbe: Mama!!! RuRu whining!!! RuRu whining!!!
Me: Kolbe, Reagan's fine. He's just fussy cause he's hungry. I'm getting your lunch ready.
Kolbe: You tops that, RuRu! Yock it up! (Lock it up!)
....That's definitely one he picked up from Dada.

From time to time I add the word "boy" to the boys names. Such as Kolbe Boy or Rudy Boy. On top of that, I love to make up little songs using the boys' names. This morning while we were playing with puzzles, Kolbe started singing his own little song made up of both of these habits....
Kolbe:   Kolbe Boy, Kolbe Boy.
             Rudy Boy, Rudy Boy.
             Dada Boy, Dada Boy.
             ....(long pause)........
            Umsbody Boy, Umsbody Boy.
            Umsbody Else Boy, Umsbody Else Boy....
Me: Kolbe, Who is "umsbody"???
Kolbe: You know. Umsbody else. Like Uncle Brian.

He has also become very thoughtful and conversational recently. Like he is finally aware that people have different experiences than what he's having at any given time. The other night Mark and I went to a wedding. Kolbe and Reagan stayed with Mark's mom. On the drive home, Mark and I were talking to each other about people we had seen at the wedding while Kolbs and Reagan sat in the back listening.
Kolbe: Mama!
Me: Yes, Kolb?
Kolbe: Mama, you have a good time at wedding?
Me: Well as a matter of fact, I did.
Kolbe: Un-huh. You did. And me's has good time at  G-ma's. Good time.

Hopefully it won't be long before we have a post like this about Reagan! He's kind of following in Kolbe's footsteps and not saying much just yet. He likes to do his signs but still just grunts and moans a lot. Kolbe went through the language explosion around two, so I'm sure the same will happen with little guy! Love my babies!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome stuff! I guess I'll have to watch what I say around them. Wouldn't want them picking up any bad habits while we're in Colorado. I'll keep it locked up!

    -Uncle P
