Thursday, July 8, 2010

Three Thought Thursday: Episode 27

1. On Tuesday one of my girlfriends, Lisa, gave me a great treat. She came and watched the boys in the morning so I could go indulge in a little guilty pleasure of mine: a viewing of Eclipse. Yep, I'm one of those crazies that loved the Twilight series of books and can't get enough of the movies either. Slightly embarrassing, considering I'm a mom of two and obsess over a story-line based on high schoolers (kind of...). But hey, it's a little somethin-somethin I can enjoy completely separate of the kiddos, and lets admit it, it's fun getting into a good story line with unique characters that carry admirable qualities. And no, seeing a couple of good looking fellas on the silver screen isn't exactly torture, though I do feel like a bit of a perv for thinking so! The better looking of the two guys is younger than my baby brother! Creepo. The movie was great (the best one so far), and it was fun to get out with a couple of girlfriends during the hours when I'm normally ankle deep in toys, changing dirty diapers, or applying a fresh coat of medicine to an out of control mosquito bite. And even better, when I got home, it was nap time so it was like back-to-back me time. Score.

2. Yesterday was a total bust. I suppose that's what I get for such an awesome Tuesday. I stayed up reading way too late on Tuesday night and was not so happy when Kolbe stumbled in to our room at 4:15am soaking wet. We went to the bathroom, got him cleaned up, and back in his bed, but not without waking up Reagan in the process. By 5:00am I had all parties involved back to sleep, just to have Kolbe return at 6:00am....with Reagan hollering in the background. To clarify, these guys usually wake up around 7:30ish. And to add to it, Kolbe stayed up way too late the night before. Things just continued to unravel. Kolbe threw a colossal fit in Target because we didn't have time to stop and look at the toys. Reagan threw an entire carton of yogurt on the floor. And on and on. These things probably wouldn't have bothered me so greatly had I gotten enough sleep the night before. Why is it that after having a baby, you can easily get by with four to five hours of sleep and still somehow have enough energy to keep going!?! And here I am with two toddlers and I go one night with less than seven hours of sleep and completely lose it!!! I suppose it's got to be all those great post-baby hormones that provide the fuel to keep you going. I could have definitely used a big dose of those yesterday, because, as always, probably the biggest factor in a bad day with the boys isn't the boys; it's me and how i deal with them.

3. We are soooo close to being done with PA School. Soooo close. Actually, Mark's final white coat ceremony is a month from this past Tuesday. Granted, he doesn't take his board exam until September 2nd, but it still feels like it's just around the corner. I can taste the freedom of no school. Mark has literally been a student for our entire relationship. Dating included. It will be so weird, but so great to not have school to worry about! Not to mention a paycheck to live on instead of financial aid. School has always been a big black cloud hanging over our heads and both of us are thrilled to give it the boot. We're not crazy enough to think that there won't always be something to provide us with stress, but at least we'll have the future paved and be on the road to great things for our little family. Can't wait!

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