Saturday, October 31, 2009

No Rest for the Weary

So maybe I have done a little too much bragging about my precious little Reaga-Rudy-Booty. He's the perfect baby! He eats well! Sleeps well! He never cries! Most of those traits remain true for Reagan.

Except for one.

One very (VERY) important one.

In the past few weeks, Reagan's sleeping has gone from great to fair to down-right horrible. How horrible? Here's my sleep log for him from last night:

8:00pm - asleep after nursing.
10:45pm- fussing. Mark calms and gets him back to sleep.
11:30pm- whimpering. Pat his back, rub his head, back asleep.
11:53pm- crying. Nurses. back to sleep by 12:07am.
1:47pm- fussy again. Try to let him resolve on his own in hopes he's just luck. Orajel
on gums, cuddle, pat, back to sleep by 2:05am.
3:01am- crying. Tried patting and cuddling. Put down but woke back up. Nursed on one side for
a few minutes but then stopped. Rocked, cuddled, asleep by 3:36am.
4:40am- moaning and groaning. Sitting up in bed. Ended up walking and bouncing him back to
sleep. Asleep by 4:51am.
5:30am- wide awake. Attempted good ol' fashion swaddling and held him close. Asleep by
6:40am- awake for the day

Does this sound like any of your children? For your sake, I certainly hope not. Maybe I have just been spoiled. Regardless, this has turned in total nonsense. If my math is correct (which considering the lack of sleep, it may not be) other than the very first chunk of sleep from 8-10:45, the longest he slept at any given point was one hour and forty minutes! That's worse than a newborn! Sheesh!

So what's the culprit? Part of me is hoping and praying that it's just his teeth. He finally had one come in a few weeks ago and another that has been bulging for a week or so. The other part of me is hoping it's not his teeth. Uh, hello! There are TONS more that still have to come through! I can't keep this up forever! We had his grandpa check him out and it's definitely not an ear infection. No fever either. Not too hot, not too cold. And the funny thing is, besides generally sleepiness, he's relatively happy during the day. Whatever is bothering him that much at night doesn't seem to be bothering him during the day. Grandpa gave one suggestion that's also a possibility. He said that babies begin dreaming around 9 months of age and this could be what's waking him so abruptly in the middle of the night. Hmmm...plenty of suspects.

Really, who knows what's to blame. All I know is that I'm hoping and praying that it stops soon! I try to keep myself healthy, but this little issue I tend to stuggle with (lupus) is not very fond of lack of sleep. I've been looking back through several sleep books in hopes of discovering some little trick or technique that might be better for Reagan. How can he go from sleeping so well for so long to barely sleeping at all!?! I have faith that it will eventually resolve itself.

But faith isn't making it any better right now! I love my little guy and would gladly sit up all night with him, but I have to be healthy to be a good mom and give Reagan everything he needs. And Kolbe too! Sleep is required! But then again, who am I to complain. I'm on here typing a dadgum blog post instead of taking a nap. (but of course, that's just because Reagan is sleeping...which I know will be short lived. Why tease myself with a nap!?!)

1 comment:

  1. Hayden was like that forever until recently!! I am finally getting about 5 hrs of sleep at night. She just wanted me to come and hold her so I would thank God she has stopped. She never cries or fusses, EVER!! But at night she would either want to play or for me to hold her. I was so exhausted all day and I would have to fight to not pass out in class! Good luck girl I know how hard that is.
