Monday, October 19, 2009

The Early Bird...

Typically I would follow such a title with "gets the worm." However, my little early bird never seems interested in eating at all. Yes, here we sit, Reagan and I, passing the early morning hours together. It's still pitch black outside, and I almost look forward to the day light savings time change just so I won't be taunted by the fact it's still beyond dark and I'm not asleep.

Some mornings, Reagan manages to sleep in with his big bro...and by sleep in, I mean 7:45 or 8:00 at the latest. But over the past few months or so, the time for full alert more often than not has started with a 6. And every now and then a 5. Grrr. And the reason is even more aggravating! No, he doesn't want to eat. No, he's not waking up at some strange sound or because he's cold or hot. Nope.

My sweet little dumpling is waking up for his daily number two. Seriously! As if he can find no other time in the day where this would be appropriate!

And believe me; I've tried everything to control the situation. It usually plays out something like this:
- The famous grunting begins. (almost identical to Kolbe's notorious sound.)
- Laura makes a rapid attempt to quell the situation while Reagan is still technically asleep.
- Reagan refuses to nurse. Doesn't want to be patted. Doesn't want to walk around and be bounced. 
- He's wide awake. It's a lost cause. Off to the family room, we go.

I guess the saying is true; when you gotta go, you gotta go. The only redeeming factor about this whole situation is that Reagan (at this stage in life) is marvelous at independent play. He's just recently perfected his mobilization tactics and loves the freedom to roam the room and peruse all of the toys while Kolbe's not around to steal them. So typically as this early morning ritual rolls on, I plop him down with a basket of toys and curl up on the couch beside him with a blanket and pillow. While it's never "real" sleep, I can often superficially doze off for a few minutes while he's doing his deed.

But then, of course, the next battle begins: keeping the little stinker quiet so he doesn't wake his brother up! I suppose there's nothing quite like starting your day with a poopy diaper. Our little early bird certainly doesn't get the worm. Just give him a roll of toilet paper, a cup of coffee, and the morning paper and he'll be happy!

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