Thursday, May 13, 2010

Three Thought Thursday: Episode 19

1. I had an awesome Mother's Day! It involved these things:
    - mass
    - a donut
    - roses
    - steak from Texas Roadhouse but not at Texas Roadhouse
    - my china that we never use
    - a nap
    - cuddling with the boys
    - a new rotary cutter and mat (more on that later)
    - Target
    - a new body pillow
    - a surprise homemade key lime pie (my fave) courtesy of my brother, Dave
    - a long, hot shower...the kind where I actually get to shave
So yeah, pretty much perfect. Don't you agree? Mark was super wonderful and made the day very special for me. Relaxing, enjoyable, fun!

2. I'm getting old. Or old-er at least. No, I don't think twenty-seven is that old. I just had this little revelation this past week in the form of my skin. For just about as long as I can remember, I've always had to wear oil-free moisturizer on my face. And usually one with some type of acne medication in it as well. No, I've never had true acne. Just skin that was prone to little break-outs whenever I didn't take perfect care of my skin. But in the past few months my face has been terribly dry. We're talking the kind of dry where, when you scratch your forehead, little flakes of white float off. Gross. The kind where when you put make-up on, it looks all blotchy and uneven. Also gross. So I tried out a little bit of Reagan's Cetaphil lotion on my face fully expecting it to break me out within one day's time. A week later, I'm still using it and my skin has never looked better! Aha! I have regular woman skin instead of teenage-y skin! Kind of makes me feel a little more...mature, I guess.

3. I've been wanting a rotary cutter and mat for a long time. For those of you who aren't sew-ers, it's basically like a pizza cutter but for fabric. I know, I know. These are usually for quilters, which I am definitely not. (yet.) But considering my less that stellar wrist joints, when I go on a big sewing kick I usually end up with a lupus flare. So when I saw the rotary cutters and mats on the cover of the Hancock's ad at 50% off, I inconspicuously circled the ones I wanted. Ok, ok. I circled them, drew a line to the price, showed it to Mark, and told him I wouldn't mind those for Mother's Day. Pathetic, I know. But I've been in fabric cutting heaven since Sunday! I literally busted out my bag of scraps and just shredded a bunch of them up. So much fun! Wrists hurt much less, fabric is cut much quicker. Sweet. And it cuts tons of other stuff too! (like my knuckle. Oops.) Can't wait to break that thing out when it comes time to wrap Christmas presents!

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